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Basic (entry level) cruise. But considering it was a 49 day cruise for only £4700 each (in a balcony) what more can you expect. Entertainment varied from outstanding to truly dire. The co...

P and 0 quality has reduced drastically.

Dined with other singles and we became a social group for 40 days. Best cruise ever.

I chose this cruise because the itinerary and timing suited my needs. I had a dozen sea cruises and 3 river cruises under my belt, but had never used P&O before. I believed, though, that t...

The ship needs an update, but is a nice ship. The staff were helpful and pleasant. Dining could do with been sorted out, so you don't wait nearly 2 8hours for your Christmas meal.


This was our first P&O cruise, and our last. The whole voyage was a shambles - where to begin? The dining arrangements were dreadful: huge queues every meal, lengthy waits to be served and f...

Perfection from. P&O. 40 days in the company of new found friends.


49 days cruising Southampton to Sydney with only 10 days of sunshine will spoil most cruises. However, I have tried to take that into consideration when writing this review. Even though th...