MSC Virtuosa
A covid cruise that would have been better if the ship had been staffed better - long queues outside the Yacht Club. We were a bit fortunate in that we made a minimum bid for a Yacht Club cabin and were upgraded and indeed it was money well spent. Very good food and a nice cabin, didn't really need the butler that came with it but he escorted us to shows and the specialty restaurants. For a new ship it was disappointing you could not book the restaurants in advance and had to do it onboard as we ended up with some poor dining times - not very technically advanced for a new ship !
We were spoilt in the Yacht Club but outside there seemed to be a lack of seating in the bars - for a quiz or drink. I had seem reviews of their entertainment as being a bit hit or miss but I felt the four shows we saw in the main theatre were very good. It was a shame we had to pay to see two other shows - £9 each I think - but they were also very good. We only had three ports of call and had to go on MSC excursions if we wanted to get off, but I didn't think they were too expensive and we got to see somewhere new.