The ship was pristine… it should be , it’s brand new, but it was stunning . There were 4 main dining rooms to choose from, all stylish and beautifully decorated . There we’re also varied themed food areas and restaurants (some at additional cost) plus the traditional buffet.everywhere we are was impressive with good service and delicious food. You couldn’t go hungry and I defy anyone not to find inspiration somewhere! You just could nerves get bored as there was such variation.
The entertainment was good although I was not as impressed with some of the theatre acts as I have been on other ships. This may be due to just coming out of the Pandemic, but still noteworthy. I would have liked to have seen a good tribute band/act, but the comedians that were on were very good .
I generally arrange my own of shire trips as I find them very expensive arranged through the ship so can not comment of the excursions, but I enjoyed every port we visited especially Lisbon which I loved.
Our balcony room was more than adequate in fact very comfortable. We had biscuits with out coffee & tea in the room each day which is good to see hasn’t stopped (which I notice was the case on my last but one cruise with Royal Caribbean in December) and our room serviced every day .
The shops were good if not a little “High End” when it came to beautiful jewellery, but I guess they know their market. The bars were good and my only comment would be that ‘BrewDog IPA’ (my partners drink of choice) was only available in a certain few which meant walking to a particular bar to get a drink before heading back to another to see the entertainment. Not always convenient……. But certainly no real problem.
All in all I’d give this cruise a massive thumbs up! Infact we got straight off and booked a Canarian Cruise on the Iona fur November. Can’t wait!!
Post Date: 24/03/2022
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