An enjoyable cruise on our favourite ship, P&O’s Aurora to one of our favourite destinations - the Baltic. Whilst we had been to Skagen (Denmark), Copenhagen, Tallinn (Estonia); St.Petersburg (Russia - cruises won’t be going there for a while!) & Oslo before - all nice places to visit, we were excited to be going to several new ports - Gdynia in Poland with excursions to Gdańsk (a lovely city) and Sopot (an upmarket resort), Klaipeda in Lithuania, and Kristiansand (on the southern tip of Norway). The only disappointment of the cruise was that we didn’t land at Visby, an island off Sweden - we came within 100 yds of the pier but the wind was too strong to Dock. We had very strong Force 7 increasing to Force 9 winds when we left Klaipeda but Aurora coped with the conditions very well, so no problem!
Post Date: 16/05/2022
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