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638 cruise ships

Viking Gersemi
Daughter of Freya, the goddess of love, and the god Od, Gersemi is associated with great riches and beauty. Her name, along with the name of her sister Hnoss, translates into “treasure.” Gods and mortals alike envied her for her strength and…

Viking Gullveig
Powerful Norse SeerHer name means “gold branch.” When she leaves the realm of the Vanir gods and travels to Asgard, home of the Aesir gods, in search of gold, Gullveig talks of nothing else.

Viking Gyda
Gyda is a name that appears in various sagas and historical texts. One notable figure named Gyda was the daughter of Eirik, King of Hordaland. According to legend, she played a significant role in King Harald Fairhair’s quest to unify Norway.

Viking Gymir
Gymir is a wealthy Jötunn (a race of giants in Norse mythology) who, by some accounts, is said to be the same mythological figure as Aegir, the giant god of the sea.

Viking Hathor
Owned and operated by Viking, Viking Hathor is a brand new sister ship to Viking Osiris and Viking Aton, the most upscale ships in Egypt.

Viking Heimdal
Norse Guardian of the GodsTall and handsome and known for his purity of heart and mind, Heimdal is the ever-vigilant guardian of the gods.

Viking Helgi
Prince & prophetA prince and a prophet immortalized in Russian literature, Helgi was a Viking of adventure and of legend.

Viking Helgrim
When tensions were high between King Harald I of Norway and King Athelstan of Wessex, the great Norse sailors Helgrim and Osfrid delivered on behalf of Harald the gift of a ship to Athelstan. The vessel is said to have had purple sails and gilded…

Viking Hemming
Danish King and PeacemakerHemming was a Danish king for only two years, but his reign helped shape the future of Franco-Danish relations immeasurably.

Viking Herja
In the Prose Edda, the respected 13th-century chronicle of Old Norse mythology, Herja was a mighty Valkyrie.

Viking Hermod
Norse Messenger of the GodsSon of Odin, father of the Norse gods, and Frigg, goddess of motherhood and marriage, Hermod is the swift and nimble messenger of the gods who is famous for his bravery.

Viking Hervor
Valkyrie Hervor’s dedication to Odin during wartime is illustrated by her well-known story. During a time of peace, she was spinning flax by a lake when the blacksmith Volund came along and took the fair-haired woman as his wife. After they were…

Viking Hild
The great and powerful goddess Hild was one of the legendary Valkyries. She is the daughter of Hogni and the wife of Hedin, who were engaged in a never-ending battle. The Valkyries flew over battlefields astride their horses and decided the fate of…

Viking Hlin
Norse Goddess of ProtectionThe task of the Norse goddess Hlin is to protect and shelter humankind.

Viking Idi
Norse Frost GiantIdi, the frost giant, is the brother of Thjazzi and Gangr, and the son of Olvadi who was extremely rich in gold.

Viking Idun
Norse Goddess of SpringIdun is the Norse goddess of spring, rejuvenation and eternal youth.

Viking Ingvar
Son of RurikSon of Rurik, Ingvar was born around 875 AD and succeeded Helgi as grand prince of Kyiv and took control of the ever-expanding empire.

Viking Ingvi
Norse God of KingshipIn Norse mythology, Ingvi is the son of Odin, father of the gods.

Viking Jarl
Noble Norse WarriorJarl is a noble Norse warrior renowned for his strength and intelligence.

Viking Jupiter
With their sleek, yacht-style bows and teak promenade decks, Viking’s ocean ships are a million miles from the large liners that sail the seas.