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638 cruise ships

Viking Astrild
Goddess of LoveAstrild, the cupid of Norse mythology, is a fabled figure who spreads passion and affection.

Viking Atla
Norse Goddess of WaterThe beautiful giantess Atla is the Norse goddess of water.

Viking Aton
Owned and operated by Viking, Viking Aton is a brand new sister ship to Viking Osiris, the most upscale ship in Egypt.

Viking Baldur
Norse God of Light and JoyBaldur was everyone’s favorite, loved by both gods and mortals.

Viking Beyla
Farm Servant to Norse God FreyrBeyla is a servant to Freyr, Norse god of virility. She looks after his realm with her husband Byggvir.

Viking Bragi
Norse God of PoetryBragi is the Norse god of poetry, music and eloquence.

Viking Buri
The First Norse GodBuri is the first god in Norse mythology. He was created, not by a mother or father, but by a giant frosty cow named Audumbla.

Viking Dagur
Dagur, meaning “day” in Old Norse, is personified as a god in Norse mythology. He appears in a 13th-century work called the Poetic Edda. He is the son of Dellingr (the dawn) and Nótt (the night), symbolizing the daily cycle.

Viking Delling
The Bringer of the DawnHis name means “dayspring” or “shining one,” and in Norse mythology, the god Delling is the father of the day.

Viking Egdir
Egdir is identified in Norse mythology as the watchman of Jötunheimar, home of the Jötnar (or giants) and one of the nine realms in Norse cosmology. He is also believed to have been the herdsman who cared for the offspring of the mythological wolf…

Viking Egil
Warrior PoetEgil is one of the most memorable Vikings to appear in the Old Norse sagas. Combining courage and brawn with high intelligence, Egil embodied ethicality and composed intricately beautiful poetry.

Viking Einar
A strong warrior, Einar wrested control of the Orkney and Shetland Islands from Danish warlords in the late 9th century after his brother Hallad was unable to hold his ground there. The dynasty that he founded ruled the archipelago until 1470.

Viking Eir
Valkyrie and Goddess of HealingThe goddess Eir is by many accounts “the best of all physicians.”
Viking Eistla

Viking Embla
The First WomanIn Norse mythology, Embla was the first woman to be created, the mother of the human race.

Viking Emerald
Cruise the Yangtze River on Viking Emerald, a state-of-the-art river cruise vessel. Accommodating 256 guests with full verandas, hotel-style beds in every spacious suite and stateroom, public areas bathed in light and an English-speaking crew,…

Viking Fjorgyn
Norse mythology’s Mother Earth, Fjorgyn has been associated with the start of the growing season, when Norway’s soils were nurtured for planting seeds. She was the mother of Thor, the mighty thunder god and son of Odin. As such, she was also an…

Viking Forseti
Norse God of JusticeThe Norse god of justice, Forseti, radiates the light of truth. He is eloquent, wise and, most of all, a fair and persuasive mediator. Forseti presides over all disputes of gods and men, giving all a proper hearing.

Viking Freya
Elegant, stylish and exceptionally comfortable. From the moment you enter the glass-walled, sunlit lobby, you realised that the Viking Longship are unlike any others on Europe's rivers.

Viking Gefjon
Norse Goddess of the PlowGefjon is credited with the creation of the Danish island of Zealand. When the ruler of Sweden offers her all the land she and four oxen can plow in a day and a night, she transforms her four sons into beasts of burden.