Seabourn announce guest speakers for Sojourn world cruise


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The Seabourn Sojourn will be setting sail for its first world cruise from Los Angeles on 5th of January 2011. Just some of the 46 destinations guests will be cruising to are Tahiti, Auckland, Hong Kong and Dubai. Along the way passengers will be joined by a number of guest speakers giving lectures on subjects

The Seabourn Sojourn will be setting sail for its first world cruise from Los Angeles on 5th of January 2011. Just some of the 46 destinations guests will be cruising to are Tahiti, Auckland, Hong Kong and Dubai. Along the way passengers will be joined by a number of guest speakers giving lectures on subjects including arts, film, cuisine and history.

With over 15 guest speakers due to appear throughout the 111-day world cruise, guests are sure to find at least one event they will enjoy if not several. Seabourn aim to provide guests with a memorable and exciting onboard experience, matching some of the amazing destinations they will be visiting throughout the cruise.

Guest Speakers will include, film producer, Sherry Lansing; documentary filmmaker, Lawrence Blair; and journalist and media personality, Carol Thatcher.