2025 has plenty in store for the cruise industry. Trends, ahoy! Credit: Shutterstock

Cruise trends 2025: What to expect

Author: Calum Brown

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2025 is coming, and it’s shaping up to be an influential year for the cruise industry. Here’s the lowdown on what you can expect

Although the Mayan calendar hasn’t made any predictions for 2025, World of Cruising is certainly able to. Having watched the events of 2024 amid an ever-changing landscape for the cruise industry, we can happily anticipate those exciting trends incoming for next year.

The industry has been cruising at full speed towards a greener future and the implementation of Artificial Intelligence throughout 2024, and further innovations and experiences in 2025 will push cruising into a new generation of passenger satisfaction.

From sustainable voyaging to digital detox and exotic destinations, the upcoming year promises a journey of endless possibilities for every traveller. Ok, so 2025 happens to be the Year of the Snake in the Chinese Lunar Calendar, there’s certainly none in the grass that we can see – it’s all good stuff!

If it ain't green, it ain't going. Credit: Shutterstock

Green is the new blue: Sustainability takes the helm

It’s no secret that the cruise industry has been on a quest to go green, and 2025 is poised to be a banner year for eco-friendly voyages. With increasing numbers of travellers prioritising sustainability, cruise lines will undoubtedly continue to invest in advanced technologies.

Reducing carbon footprints ultimately remains the name of the game for all cruise lines, especially when Norway is gearing up to impose strict emissions regulations the following year. The sustainability trend won’t be going anywhere anytime soon.

Expect to see more freshly-ordered ships equipped with LNG (liquefied natural gas) powerplants, which cut down sulphur emissions by up to 99%. That’s a win for both the environment and your conscience. A no-guilt cruise? Don’t mind if I do…

Certain ships are also testing hydrogen power and electric propulsion systems for the perfect balance of performance and nature-friendly emissions. It’s like Tesla meets Titanic; just without the iceberg.

However, it’s not just engine power that’s getting a ‘green makeover’. Onboard recycling programs, sustainable dining options (such as using local produce from each itinerary port), and excursions that focus on conservation efforts are becoming standard fare.

So, whether you're snorkelling in the Great Barrier Reef or exploring the fjords of Norway, you can feel good knowing that your cruise isn’t leaving a trail of destruction in its’ wake.

Time to detox from digital. It's a global trend that's growing fast. Credit: SS

Digital detox cruises: Disconnect to reconnect

In a world where even your fridge has an Instagram account, finding time to unplug is more challenging than teaching said fridge to play fetch.

Enter the digital detox cruise, a trend that’s set to explode in 2025. Feeling overwhelmed or uninterested in the ‘social media world’? You aren’t the only one, and there’s brewing demand for cruises that offer guests the ultimate escape from the digital deluge.

That means no Wi-Fi, no social media, and absolutely no work emails. It’s like going off-grid but with a spa and a five-course dinner every night. If one could make a suggestion, those who post about these cruises while on these cruises should be made to do the dishes – or keel-hauled. Whichever is more painful.

Just imagine. Swapping your screen time for stargazing sessions, avoiding the latest update from a B-list influencer and instead partaking in yoga on deck, or bypassing Karen’s Facebook post designed to elevate herself above the norm while exploring Europe. By definition, that would be paradise. Not to mention enjoying good old-fashioned conversation with fellow passengers where nobody becomes brainwashed by the glow of a phone screen.

These cruises are designed to help passengers truly unwind and connect with their surroundings. After all, nothing says “I’m living my best life” like being unreachable while sipping a cocktail on a private balcony. After all, you don’t need to give people a window into your life for you to enjoy yourself. Fact.

Stornoway is just one of the fresh locations driving cruisegoers mad with excitement. Credit: Shutterstock

Destination focus on fresh itineraries

Forget the same old Mediterranean loops and Caribbean hops; 2025 is more about pushing the boundaries of where cruises can take you. In an environmentally friendly manner, of course.

The demand for ‘different’ destinations is soaring with awesome speed, as seasoned cruisegoers seek new landscapes and ‘newbies’ look for far-flung destinations to experience. Itineraries announced for 2025 include off-the-beaten-path locales like the remote islands of the South Pacific, Antarctica, and even the Arctic Circle. Hug a penguin? Don’t mind if I do…

Cruise lines are also upping the ante with immersive shore excursions. Think dog-sledding in Alaska, wine tasting in the vineyards of South Africa, or exploring ancient temples in Southeast Asia. It’s a far cry from the days when the most exciting shore activity was deciding between a beach day or a shopping trip.

For those with a sense of adventure, cruises throughout 2025 will offer the chance to collect some truly envy-inducing passport stamps. No holidaying in Milton Keynes this year – no, sir!

Can AI enhance your cruise? You bet it can. Credit: Shutterstock

AI and tech on deck: The future is now

Technology on cruise ships is evolving faster than you can say “aye-aye,” and 2025 will be no exception. From AI-driven personal assistants to facial recognition boarding processes, cruising is becoming somewhat more advanced than our celebrated ships of yesteryear. It’s more USS Enterprise than HMS Dreadnought.

Some ships are already testing robot bartenders and virtual reality entertainment. Finally, a way to enjoy a cocktail without feeling ashamed for ordering the truly repugnant ones; here’s looking at you, Dirty Martini. You won’t fool us again.

The smart cruise experience doesn’t end there. Personalised itineraries based on your preferences, digital concierge services, and even AI-enhanced dining options are making waves into future preferences.

Soon, your cruise ship will know your vacation needs better than you. Need a spa treatment? Want to eat endless rows of cheesecake? Suddenly require cheesecake-induced medical treatment? The ship has you covered.

I know, I know. That sounds like having The Terminator as a butler, or Roy Batty as your forceful concierge. Think of it more as employing WALL-E to manage your daily schedule. And who wouldn’t want that?

Wellness isn't just something for rich people with time on their hands. Credit: SS

All aboard the wellness wave

If your idea of a cruise involves more zen than ziplining, 2025 has you covered. Wellness cruises are on the rise, with more ships offering holistic experiences that cater to mind, body, and spirit than ever before.

It’s time for floating yoga retreats, meditation workshops, and detoxifying spa treatments, all set against a backdrop of serene ocean views from within stylish treatment rooms. And it’s not just about the onboard offerings.

Wellness-themed shore excursions, like hiking through the rainforests of Costa Rica or attending a traditional tea ceremony in Japan, provide a deeper connection to your destination. You want to become one with Africa? Now you can. Hug a lion? Don’t mind if I…oh, wait…

Whether you’re into hot stone massages or cold-pressed juices, you’ll find plenty of opportunities to return from your cruise feeling refreshed and rejuvenated, instead of needing a vacation from your vacation.

Not all family cruises need to be stressful. Bring on 2025! Credit: SS

Family-friendly fun: Adventures for all ages

Remember when taking the kids on a cruise meant endless hours of mini-golf and Disney-character breakfasts? Once upon a time, a family cruise usually resulted in Acute Stress Disorder trying to fill the day without the dreaded “I’m bored”-klaxon.

Well, 2025 is set to redefine family cruising with innovative programs that cater to all ages. From adrenaline-pumping activities like indoor skydiving and surf simulators to educational experiences like marine biology workshops, there’s something for everyone, whether your crew includes toddlers or teens.

And let’s not forget the little ones. Many ships are expanding their offerings for the under-10 set, with play areas, interactive storytelling sessions, and even sleepover camps. Meanwhile, parents can enjoy some well-deserved adult time, knowing their kids are having a blast. It’s the ultimate win-win scenario. Take that, Goofy.

Cruise ship dining is - arguably - the best in the world when done right. Credit: Shutterstock

Culinary cruises: A feast for the senses

Foodies, rejoice! The culinary cruise trend is set to reach new heights in 2025, with ships transforming into floating gastronomic playgrounds. Forget about boring buffets and lukewarm lobster nights, today’s cruise dining is all about Michelin-starred chefs, farm-to-table ingredients and immersive dining experiences that engage all the senses. Even that sixth one that nobody talks about.

Many ships now offer cooking classes, wine tastings, and even chef-led tours in port cities, allowing guests to dive deep into the local cuisine. Whether you’re a budding gourmand or just someone who likes to eat (and let’s be honest, who doesn’t?), you’ll find plenty of opportunities to indulge your taste buds. Just be sure to leave some room in your suitcase for all the recipes you’ll want to recreate at home or at least attempt to. Might be worth investing in a fire extinguisher.

Enjoy a relaxing solo cruise during 2025, there's nothing to lose! Credit: Shutterstock

Solo sailors: Going it alone never looked so good

Solo travel is no longer the domain of Eat, Pray, Love-style soul-searchers. In 2025, cruise lines are set for catering to the growing number of solo travellers, offering single-occupancy cabins and social spaces designed for mingling. If you are looking to make new friends, enjoy some “me time,” or perhaps meet that special someone over a sunset cocktail, there’s a cruise for that.

Special solo events, dining options (that encourage mixing and mingling), and even group excursions tailored to single travellers are becoming more common. Who says you need a plus-one to have an unforgettable cruise experience? In 2025, it’s all about embracing the freedom to explore the world on your own terms, with a few thousand new friends to boot.

It's time for some L-U-X-U-R-Y, babay! Credit: Crystal Cruises

The luxury boom: Because you deserve the best

Usually, ‘luxury cruising’ is normal cruising, but with a few extra zeroes on the price tag. The demand for high-end, bespoke experiences is at an all-time high, and cruise lines are rolling out the red carpet, quite literally. Expect private yacht-style ships, personalised butler service, and exclusive excursions that would make even the Kardashians jealous. Mind you, having any form of dignity would likely do that, too.

From penthouse suites with private plunge pools to gourmet dining curated by world-renowned chefs, these cruises offer the kind of pampering that makes everyday luxury look akin to roughing it.

Looking to splurge on a once-in-a-lifetime experience? The year of the snake is the time to treat yourself to the ultimate in indulgence. After all, you only live once, and you can’t take your frequent flyer miles with you. Well, unless you happen to be James Bond.

So – what can we say after all that? It’s common knowledge that the cruise industry is poised for a year of innovation, adventure, and indulgence. Whether you’re a thrill-seeker, a wellness warrior, or just someone looking for the perfect mojito, there’s a cruise out there waiting to sweep you off your feet.

It seems the only limit to your cruising experience throughout 2025 is your own imagination—and maybe your tolerance for dad jokes from the cruise director. Hopefully they do something about that in 2026…

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About Calum Brown

Calum holds a deep interest in all things heritage and remains one of Britain’s most enthusiastic historians.

As a seasoned journalist, he has spent considerable time abroad and relishes all forms of transport. Shipping is in the blood, with a family connection to Stena Line embedded in his DNA. He also refuses to admit that 21st Century music exists.

Calum has developed a skill for bringing history alive, and always insists on making heritage accessible for everyone.